Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG
Services for Your Confort
Here you will find information that will make your stay easy and allow us to serve you with more efficiency and comfort.
To speak to reception, dial 9;
To call to other room , dial 2 and the room number;
To make a local call, dial zero and the telephone number;
To make long-distance call, dial zero, than the telephone company code which can be 21, 23 or 31, then the area code, then the telephone number;
To make an internacional call, dial zero, then zero, zero, than the telephone company code which can be 21 or 31, than country code and the telephone number.
To request a restaurant, pizzeria or sandwiches delivery, see the menu and place your order with the receptionist.
Breakfast is served on the ground floor, near the reception, from Monday to Saturday from 6:30 to 10:00 and on Sundays from 7:00 to 10:30.
In the fridge you will find high quality products selected for you. Check out the Menu for pricing.
For laundry and ironing services fill out the proper form and put your clothes into the laundry bag.
Please be advised that the voltage of the outlets is 127 Volts.
We ask guests to kindly do not use appliances like clothes irons and electric heaters.
The cable channels are preset. To select the channel of your choice, see the menu and always use the remote control.
Use the red tap to open the hot water and blue for cold water tap.
Direct Contact:
Rua José Nicolau de Queiroz 21 - Centro - Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG - CEP: 36400-000 -
Fone: (31) 3763-4042